Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Chelation?

    Chelation therapy has been used for almost a century to combat elevated levels of heavy metals in the human body. First discovered by German scientist Ferdinand Munz and later used to treat workers who had painted US Navy ships, EDTA chelation therapy has been proved to be an extremely effective treatment in patients.

  • Is EDTA Safe?

    EDTA is heavily used by food manufacturers and the medical industry. It is FDA approved as a preservative for blood and is so safe it’s even used in baby food. Just in the United States alone, over two-hundred-thousand children have been treated with EDTA for lead poisoning. In Europe, hospitals use EDTA as a standard treatment for kidney stones.

    There have been over 10 million intravenous EDTA chelation treatments in the U.S., and hundreds of thousands have taken oral EDTA supplements. Amazingly there have been no reported deaths attributable to EDTA. Compare that to prescription medications with all their side effects and risks of death, or the dangers of surgery.

  • Why do I need chelation?

    Everyone needs chelation. Human beings all over the world, regardless of location are exposed to heavy metals daily. As recently as 2016, news reports have identified elevated lead levels in the water supply for places like Flint, Michigan and Atlanta, Georgia. The human body does not have a mechanism to rid itself of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and even uranium. Chelation is a treatment which, when the agent is introduced into the bloodstream, clings to heavy metal molecules and then carries them out with normal body waste.


    Medical research has shown that ED (erectile dysfunction) can be an early warning sign of more serious problems, such as coronary artery disease. Some medical professionals have suggested that men seeking treatment for ED should also be screened for coronary health. Since some patients have reported that EDTA has helped with cardiovascular function, it stands to reason that ED caused by blood flow problems might be helped. While there have been no comprehensive medical studies of using EDTA for treatment of ED, there is anecdotal evidence to suggest it may work for some individuals.


    Chelation works best when the EDTA is introduced into the body without going through the GI system. While IV chelation is optimal, it is invasive (mandatory physician supervision), expensive and time consuming. Transdermal application of EDTA bypasses the gastrointestinal system and absorbs directly into the body through the skin. While the concentration of EDTA is lower, it is still extremely effective and a fraction of the cost of IV treatments, moreover, you can do this in the comfort of your own home. While doctor supervision is recommended, it is not mandatory. Typically IV chelation is limited to one treatment weekly due to the high dosage, however because the dosage is lower, you can use transdermal EDTA daily.

  • How do I know if EDTA is working?

    Your health problems didn’t develop overnight and it will take time for them to improve. When trying to reduce the level of toxic metals from your body, you can have a urine analysis performed to measure the level of various metals in your body. After three months of using EDTA, the test can be repeated to measure how far your toxic metals levels have dropped.

    If you are attempting to clear arterial plaque, your doctor can perform numerous tests including measuring your blood for lipids, C Reactive Protein (CRP), homocysteine, etc. Also EKG’s and other diagnostic physical tests can be performed to measure heart health. Again you aren’t looking for a quick cure, but sustained steady progress.

    If you suspect you have any medical condition, you should see your physician to receive a conclusive diagnosis. Information on this website is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or be a substitute for professional medical care. Hopefully you can find a doctor who looks favorably upon diet, nutrition, and alternative therapies as an option instead of relying solely on dangerous pharmaceuticals.


    EDTA only binds to oxidized (positively charged) metal ions that are already dissolved and present in body tissue. Arterial stents, joint replacements, metal plates, etc. are made from high grade stainless steel, titanium, or other precious metal alloys that will not oxidize or break down in body fluids or tissues. You can safely use EDTA without fear of causing problems to implants.